星期三, 7月 25, 2007

The Design Five

最近在看一些國外學校的資料,剛好讀到Art Center College of Design這所美國知名的學校,他們培養了很多非常優秀的人才,其中台灣知名的校友有龔友誠(國際知名廣告導演)、包益民(包氏國際有限公司負責人、實踐大學視傳系專任講師)、陳遠修(銘傳大學設計管理研究所專任教授)、楊德泰(電影《鯊魚黑幫》電腦動畫總監)等,這裡也有一些對他們的介紹。在Art Center 2007/2008年招生型錄,裡面寫了一些不錯文句,其中的"The Design Five" 點出了他們教育的最高宗旨,和大家一起分享!

"The Design Five" by Nate Young, Executive Vice Presidnet and Chief Academic Officer, reflects Art Center's educational philosophy of inspiring creative vision as the ultimate value in design education. By the time our students graduate, they are producing work that reflects a level of skill and conceptual thinking that may have seemed beyond reach at the time they entered the school. This is a direct result of our commitment to excellence and our unique approach to education. At Art Center, we focus on five core creative concepts in preparing our students for leadership roles, which may be as diverse as running a large company, heading a design firm, or simply working in their own studios.

These core concepts - the Design Five - represent the unique attributes of creative thinkers. If you're interested in attending Art Center, chances are that you possess these abilities to varying degrees and are already using them intuitively. With an art and design education, you'll be taught how to apply them in a formal and systematic way. By understanding and controlling these abilities, you can develop your innate talent so that creating the extraordinary is possible - as you will see in the work by Art Center students and alumni reproduced in the pages that follow.

1. See
As a designer or artist, you have full visual literacy and the ability to see in a way that others can't. You are visual translator of the world around you, seeing reality and then interpreting it through your own filter. We call this the art of seeing beyond the obvious. The ability to conjure a highly articulated vision is an extremely valuable skill in art and design, as well as in management and leadership.

2. Connect
You are able to connect what you see with other areas of knowledge you've already stored away. You accumulate and inventory thoughts, ideas, pictures, and experiences, and then draw from this mental library when needed. This is the art of bringing seemingly disparate things together, used to create solutions that are often unexpected and elegant yet relevant.

3. Interpret
You have the ability to clarify new concepts and describe what you conceptualize, making these ideas understandable to others. You act as a translator, capturing ideas visually and communicating them in many different "languages", including the written and spoken word. This is the art of interpreting your vision, allowing others to see it as you do.

4. Appeal
You have a deep understanding of human motivations and the ability to appeal to these emotions. You have the power to excite your audience or attract consumers by the aesthetics, function, and emotional appeal of the objects you create. This is the art of connecting with the human spirit.

5. Influence
Ultimately, your role as a designer or artist has the potential to be one of great influence, with the ability to reach a vast audience. As you prepare for a leadership role in the art or design world, you understand that you will have the ability to influence the companies that employ you and all the people who experience what you create. Therefore you will have the responsibility of acting as the social conscience within your environment. This is the art of delivering a message.
